Oh, all the places I’ve been…

As I get closer and closer to the end of my university career, I have become very sentimental about all the memories that have led up to this point.

This one is for future me.

A letter to myself, and all

This video is my essence.


Best Friends

Time-Lapse. The dynamic duo featuring homework, distractions, and random bursts of energy.


The Glitter that doesn’t Sparkle

Graphic & Motion Match-Cut. Using visual and movement shots that contain similar elements to tell a story.

I am evoking a bleak feeling. A longing for warmth, but it never arrives.


Audio Match-Cut. I began with combining two actions that appear similar in sound to navigate the story into a montage of getting ready for the day.


Dear Sister,

Cut-on-Reaction. The cuts in the video should evoke an emotional pull to the viewer.

My sister sent me a valentine’s card through the mail in 2018. I’ve kept it throughout my college journey. It’s very sentimental, my family means a lot to me.

[ thinking ]

Cut-on-Action. Breaking down moments into a variety of scenes using wide, medium, and close up shots.

I thought it would be ironic to make a video about generating an idea for a. video. Sometimes the answer we seek is right in front of use all along.


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